Dry air indoors, cold and humid air outside, and a sharp and piercing wind are the main enemies of our skin. And the thing is that in such conditions, blood circulation slows down, and sebum, which is necessary for natural moisturizing and protecting the skin, is not produced as efficiently as in summer. What we see as a result: dehydration, dullness, sagging, hypersensitivity, peeling, and tightness. I agree the set is unpleasant, but all this can be minimized or completely avoided. The article contains the basic rules for skin care from the inside and out.

How to improve your skin from within

Water is our skin’s most important beauty product, so we need to consume it in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to drink 2-2.5 liters per day. And if this is difficult for you (I know how it is when there are a million things to do, and water can only be added to the list of “black”), then at least try to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up and before going to bed.

A healthy diet full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will also help your skin look its best. So eat more fruits and vegetables, especially those that contain vitamin C (for example, citrus fruits, kiwi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale), beta-carotene (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, spinach, broccoli), and vitamin E (avocados, nuts, seeds).

In winter, our skin needs more fats, so don’t be afraid to include healthy fats in your diet. These can be olive oil, avocado, salmon, and flaxseeds. Just remember that everything is good in moderation, so don’t overdo it with fatty foods.

How to improve skin in winter

Mild cleansers

Proper facial skin care contains the most important rule – no aggressive foams and washing gels. Gentle exfoliators only: Swap your summer foams and gels for cream- or oil-based cleansers. No alcohol or sulfate in the composition.

Reduce the use of scrubs

It is better not to use scrubs with large particles right now. Instead, choose gommages or exfoliating cream once a week for dry skin and twice for oily skin. While scrubbing, do not squeak the face, and do not use the scrub if there is any inflammation on the face.

Serums with vitamin C

Winter is the best time to use peels, acid serums, and retinol. But the most important ingredient for healthy skin in winter is vitamin C. It will help your skin look better in the cloudy season, “force” collagen to be produced more actively, lighten age spots and strengthen the skin.

improve skin in winter

Moisturizing the face

It is time to use a thicker cream for winter skin care. This cream will better protect your skin from the cold and wind. A good option would be a moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid at night. Consider your skin type when choosing a cream: if your skin is oily, choose one with a lighter texture, and if it is dry, choose one that is denser. Using a nourishing cream at night and a moisturizer during the day is better.

The skin around the eyes

The skin around your eyes is very thin and delicate. Be careful not to overload it with products. Try using moisturizing patches or masks instead. Also, be careful when applying makeup: do not use a lot of pressure on the skin, and do not pull it.

Lip care

Our lips need special care in winter. They become dry and chapped much faster than usual, so always carry a lip balm. Apply it as often as possible, especially before going outside. You can also use a lip scrub to remove dead skin cells.